Breast Lift
Consultations offered at our five convenient locations in Harley Street, London, Princess Margaret Hospital, (Windsor), Spire Thames Valley, (Gerrards Cross), Kings' Oak Hospital, (Enfield) and Refresh Medispa, (Amersham)

A breast lift or mastopexy is a one of Maisam Fazel’s most popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed. It helps achieve a lifted well shaped breast.
- 1 Before and After Photos
- 2 Benefits
- 3 At a Glance
- 4 Benefits
- 5 Expectations
- 6 FAQ
- 6.1 What are the different types of breast lift scars and which is right for me?
- 6.2 Will the breast cup size change with a breast lift?
- 6.3 How does one know if a breast lift is needed?
- 6.4 Can a breast lift be done with a breast augmentation in the same operation?
- 6.5 How long will it take for breast lift scars to heal?
- 6.6 Is it better to wait until one’s family is complete before having a breast lift?
Before and After Photos
A breast lift is performed to raise and reshape breasts that have sagged to provide a more lifted youthful appearance with a firmer touch.
If there has been volume loss in the upper part of the breast, Maisam Fazel may recommend breast lift with implants or fat transfer to the breast as well.
At a Glance
- Duration: 2 hours
- Daycase / Overnight: Daycase
- Type of Anaesthetic: GA
- Bra / Garment to be worn for: 6 weeks
- Return to Work (depending on job): 7 days
- Return to Gym: 2 weeks (lower body) 6 weeks (upper body)
A breast lift is performed to raise and reshape breasts that have sagged to provide a more lifted youthful appearance with a firmer touch.
If there has been volume loss in the upper part of the breast, Maisam Fazel may recommend breast lift with implants or fat transfer to the breast as well.

As a specialist in this area, Maisam Fazel frequently receives referrals for complex breast lifts from colleagues and is often invited to international meetings to teach on this subject.
Maisam Fazel’s breast lift is performed by re-shaping the saggy breast, removing excess skin and tightening the supporting breast tissue. The nipple and areola are repositioned and resized during to further enhance the appearance of the breast. Depending on the case, he uses the donut lift, lollipop lift or anchor lift.
Frequently, patients having a breast lift also need additional volume. This can be done using breast lift and implants or fat transfer to the breasts. When needed, Maisam Fazel performs a breast lift and a breast augmentation in the same operation.
Maisam also frequently combines a breast lift with a tummy tuck in a mummy makeover which helps reshape the breasts and body.
What are the different types of breast lift scars and which is right for me?
This depends on the degree of droop, loose skin and aesthetic goal of the patient. Maisam Fazel can employ a number of different techniques to achieve a breast lift:
Donut lift (periareolar): a technique Maisam Fazel is renown for. It involves a scar just around the nipple and is a good technique for patients needing a small breast lift. Minimal breast tissue is removed.
Lollipop (vertical) lift: involves a scar around the nipple and extending down in a straight line to the crease of the breast along the middle of the breast. This allows a more significant lift. Some breast tissue is removed to allow for the lift.
Anchor lift: here the scars go round the nipple, down to the crease and then along the crease to create an ‘anchor’ pattern. This technique can be useful when there is a lot of loose skin to remove.
For patients needing a small lift, a donut lift may be appropriate but for those with more significant droop, a lollipop lift or anchor may be required.
Will the breast cup size change with a breast lift?
Cup sizes can be very unpredictable as there is no standardised cup size between shops or even between brands in the same shop. However, in a breast lift, usually only a small amount of breast tissue is excised thus generally the volume remains similar. If an implant is also used, the breast size is likely to increase.
How does one know if a breast lift is needed?
During the consultation, Maisam Fazel will assess the breast shape in relation to how it lies on the chest and in relation to the body. If the nipple sits below the breast crease, it is likely a breast lift will be needed.
Can a breast lift be done with a breast augmentation in the same operation?
Yes in most cases Maisam Fazel performs this combination of procedures (called an augmentation mastopexy) as one operation. He will discuss the pros and cons of this approach during the consultation.
How long will it take for breast lift scars to heal?
The scars will be pink for the first few months after surgery, but will gradually flatten and fade to a silver line by about 18 months. Different skin types heal differently. Maisam Fazel will provide advice on how to reduce scarring.
Is it better to wait until one’s family is complete before having a breast lift?
Maisam Fazel will discuss this in full during the consultation. If one is planning to have children in the near future, then it might be best to delay a breast lift until after one has completed one’s family breastfeeding, as subsequent pregnancy or breastfeeding can affect the results.