This could well be the hottest summer we’ve experienced in the UK since records began – which is great news for sun-worshippers, but not so good for our skin. Even if you take the maximum precautions to avoid sun damage, the risk of problems such as uneven pigmentation, blocked pores, blackheads and dryness are at an alarmingly high level. Luckily, there’s a non-invasive spa treatment that can really clear up your complexion: it’s called microdermabrasion.
What is microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a procedure which effectively and safely removes layers of dead skin cells, with the help of a state-of-the-art handset which deploys a harmless jet of non-allergenic crystals.
How does it work?
In two ways. Not only does microdermabrasion give your skin an instant appearance of healthy rejuvenation, it also encourages your skin to produce a new layer – which in turn stimulates blood flow and increases vital collagen and elastin production.
What happens?
You’ll be invited you to a consultation session, where your skin type will be determined, your individual needs will be taken into consideration, and a treatment plan will be sketched out. This could be a single session to clear up surface flaws, or a course of treatments which will get to the heart of long-term your skin problems.
Microdermabrasion sessions begin with the use of a gel cleanser to ensure the skin is clean and dry, and then the handset effectively and painlessly sloughs away dead skin cells. A post-treatment application of a neutral pH moisturiser prevents the fresh top layer of skin from peeling and drying out.
After a 30-minute microdermabrasion treatment, you will be advised to avoid sun damage by using a moisturiser with an SPF, but that’s pretty much the sum total of your post-treatment regime. It’s a walk-in, walk-out treatment, meaning you’ll be able to return to your day-to-day duties immediately. And it’s chemical-free.
Interested? Consult our microdermabrasion page and book a consultation today.