Silicone implants have been used in breast remodelling procedures for over half a century now, but that fact remains that silicone isn’t for everyone. A (very) small amount of people are allergic to silicone, while others aren’t keen on the thought of choosing to have an unnatural substance or carrying something unnatural inside their body. Happily, there’s an alternative to silicone which can improve the shape and size of your breasts – and you’re sitting on it.
What is Lipomodelling?
Lipomodelling is a procedure which extracts fat from the client’s own body – usually the thigh, tummy or buttock area – via liposuction. The fat is then put through a process of refinement, and is then used to enhance and reshape the breasts by implanting it with a special tube called a cannula.
The great thing about using fat is that there is no chance of the body rejecting the implanted material – after all, you’ve already been carrying it about with you for a long time. Furthermore, the risk of an implant rupture or deflation (which, admittedly, happens only on a very rare basis) is also zero. Another main advantage: as the implant material is delivered via the cannula, the length of incisions are much shorter than they would be for a standard implant procedure.
Would lipomodelling suit me?
If you’re physically healthy, over 18 years old, are not pregnant or breastfeeding, have breasts that have fully developed, do not have an infection and are fully aware of the procedures and effects of breast augmentation surgery, you’re a suitable candidate for lipomodelling. Bear in mind that as you’ll be undergoing a minor liposuction procedure, there will be two areas that will need post-procedural care and attention.
If lipomodelling sounds like the breast procedure you’d be most comfortable with, and are looking for further information, please consult our procedures section.