Plasma Skin Treatment
Consultations offered at our five convenient locations in Harley Street, London, Princess Margaret Hospital, (Windsor), Spire Thames Valley, (Gerrards Cross), Kings' Oak Hospital, (Enfield) and Refresh Medispa, (Amersham)

The plasma skin treatment offered by Maisam Fazel is an exciting and innovative treatment option for lax skin, scars and moles.
- 1 Benefits
- 2 At a Glance
- 3 Expectations
- 4 FAQ
- 4.1 How many treatments of Plasma skin rejuvenation are required?
- 4.2 What is the downtime and recovery like?
- 4.3 Can Plasma skin rejuvenation replace surgery?
- 4.4 What results can be expected from Plasma skin rejuvenation?
- 4.5 Is Plasma skin rejuvenation painful?
- 4.6 How long will the results of Plasma skin rejuvenation last?
The versatility of a plasma pen means that it can help correct a wide range of concerns including:
- Excess upper and lower eyelid skin
- Lower face laxity to create a non-surgical plasma facelift
- Moles and skin lesions
- Acne scars
- Stretch marks
- Isolated areas of skin excess eg around the umbilicus
At a Glance
- Duration: 20 mins
- Daycase / Overnight: Outpatient clinic procedure
- Type of Anaesthetic: Topical anaesthetic cream
- Bra / Garment to be worn for: None (Camouflage cream for 10 days)
- Return to Work (depending on job): Same day
- Return to Gym: Same day

Maisam Fazel’s plasma skin treatment is performed in clinic with topical anaesthetic cream. The hand held plasma pen sublimates the excess skin to produce an instant lifting effect, while at the same time stimulating collagen and elastin production, so there is a further rejuvenation of the skin over the following weeks and months.
Skin lesions can be effectively excised and stretch marks treated to improve their appearance. Depending on the area being treated, more than one treatment may be required, usually 6 weeks apart.
Downtime is minimal and patients can return home immediately after treatment.
How many treatments of Plasma skin rejuvenation are required?
Depending on the area being treated, the procedure may need to be performed more than once at least 6 weeks apart to provide a lasting result. Thereafter a maintenance treatment needs to be performed every 2 years.
What is the downtime and recovery like?
Patients experience some redness and swelling around the area treated, but this usually only lasts a few days. A carbon crust will immediately form over the area treated. This crust should not be touched until it falls off (usually within 10 days). During this period the crust can be easily camouflaged with mineral make-up which Maisam Fazel will recommend. Thereafter, the area needs to be protected with SP50 sunblock for 6 weeks.
Can Plasma skin rejuvenation replace surgery?
For men and women experiencing the early stages of ski ageing, Plasma skin rejuvenation can be an excellent alternative with minimal risks and downtime.
What results can be expected from Plasma skin rejuvenation?
Most people see a lifting and tightening of the skin almost immediately after treatment, although the results continue to improve over the next few weeks as collagen and elastin production is stimulated. Depending on the area being treated, a further treatment is frequently required after 6 weeks to obtain lasting results.
Is Plasma skin rejuvenation painful?
Topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the area about 30 minutes before the procedure to numb the area, rendering the procedure comfortable. Occasionally patients may request a stronger local anaesthetic injection.
How long will the results of Plasma skin rejuvenation last?
The results are permanent but, as with any surgical procedure, it is not possible to stop the ageing process entirely. Maintenance treatment is recommended every 2 years. Maisam Fazel can also recommend other skin rejuvenation treatments to help promote optimal skin health.