Mini Tummy Tuck
Consultations offered at our five convenient locations in Harley Street, London, Princess Margaret Hospital, (Windsor), Spire Thames Valley, (Gerrards Cross), Kings' Oak Hospital, (Enfield) and Refresh Medispa, (Amersham)
At Refresh, Maisam Fazel can offer a mini tummy tuck to men and women whose lower abdomen area is beginning to sag due to ageing or who have a relatively slim abdomen that just requires sculpting into a more desirable shape.
Before and After Photos
A mini tummy tuck is less invasive than a conventional full tummy tuck and is often an excellent option for people who have a small pouch of abdominal skin to be removed and who do not have a significant separation of the abdominal muscles.
With Maisam Fazel a mini tummy tuck can help overcome:
- Sagging skin at the base of the abdomen
- A protruding pouch
- Stubborn pockets of fat
At a Glance
- Duration: 1.5 hours
- Daycase / Overnight: Daycase
- Type of Anaesthetic: GA (sedation may be possible)
- Bra / Garment to be worn for: 4 weeks
- Return to Work (depending on job): 10 days
- Return to Gym: 4 weeks
Maisam Fazel is well known for his tummy tucks and performs a wide variety of different types of tummy tucks.
During a mini tummy tuck, Maisam Fazel makes an incision below the bikini line that is shorter than the scar used for a full tummy tuck. This allows the loose pouch of skin to be excised without affecting the abdominal muscles.
Unlike a full tummy tuck, the belly button does not need to be repositioned. Maisam Fazel usually combines a mini tummy tuck with liposuction to produce a flatter abdomen.
Maisam Fazel performs this procedure a day case. As no muscle tightening is required, recovery is usually very rapid.
Who is a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck?
Typically, a mini tummy tuck is suitable for patients with a lower abdominal pouch that are at or near their ideal body weight, who do not have any abdominal muscle weakness or separation. During the consultation, Maisam Fazel will assess a patient to determine whether a mini tummy tuck is appropriate.
What is the difference between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck?
In a full tummy tuck, the scar tends to be longer, the muscles are tightened and the belly button is repositioned. This usually gives a more dramatic result. In a mini-tummy tuck, only skin from the lower abdomen is excised and thus the scar tends to be smaller, and a more modest improvement is achieved. In addition, with a mini tummy tuck, virtually no change is seen in the upper half of the abdomen, while in a full tummy tuck, there is considerable improvement of the upper half due to the muscle tightening.
Can a mini tummy tuck help lose weight?
A mini tummy tuck is not weight loss surgery and it is important that patients are close to or at their ideal body weight and able to maintain a steady weight post-surgery to ensure long-lasting results.
What scarring can be expected after a mini tummy tuck?
A mini tummy tuck scar is usually thinner and less extensive than a conventional abdominoplasty. It will still extend across the lower abdomen below the bikini line, but Maisam Fazel will position it where it will be hidden by clothes or underwear. He also pays meticulous attention to the stitching to ensure optimal healing. The scar will fade and flatten over time.