In deciding to have a tummy tuck, you are taking an exciting step and you will be thinking eagerly ahead to a time when you don’t feel self-conscious about your abdomen.
But surgery and the recovery stand between you and that taut, toned tummy… ‘What can the patient do to make the process run smoothly’ is a question Mr Maisam Fazel hears frequently in his Essex tummy tuck clinic – and here are five of the top pieces of practical advice:
1. Get match fit before your tummy tuck
Being in general good health minimises the risk entailed by surgery under general anaesthetic; furthermore, being physically fit helps you get back on your feet sooner. As the day of your tummy tuck approaches, eat well, drink only good stuff, get active and cut out stress – and get yourself to peak fitness.
2. Clear your diary
After your tummy tuck, Essex surgeon Mr Maisam Fazel will send you home with detailed aftercare instructions and a schedule of follow-up appointments. For the first fortnight after your surgery you will have restricted movement and will need time and space to rest so it is a good idea to postpone any social engagements for this time. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to resume most normal activities.
3. Stock up
You won’t feel like shopping or cooking so fill your freezer and fridge with easy, nutritional meals.
4. Pack sensibly
In the immediate aftermath of tummy tuck surgery, comfort is key. Pack baggy clothes that you can easily pull on – and a button-up shirt so you can avoid raising your arms to dress and undress.
5. Enlist help
You will feel tender and a bit groggy after your surgery and glad of support as you make your way home. Think ahead and recruit help with your chores and commitments while you recover.