Like all reputable and professional cosmetic surgery clinics, Refresh Cosmetic Surgery in Berkshire has a comprehensive pre-surgery procedure which is geared towards helping clients be as prepared as possible for what they’re about to undertake. You can download and go over our range of instructions for all our treatments here, but here’s a brief overview of dos and don’ts which will crop up across the board.
Medications and vitamins
During your consultation, your surgeon will require a list of the medications you are currently being prescribed, and will be able to give you the all-clear for a procedure or advise you to consult your GP. However, it is vitally important that you stay away from anti-inflammatory medicines for two weeks before the procedure. That includes aspirin, medications that contain aspirin, Alka-Selzer, Excedrin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen etc. If you need to use a painkiller, stick with Paracetamol.
Vitamins or alternative medicines that cause clotting – such as Vitamin E, ginseng, St. Johns Wort and Gingko Boloba – are also to be avoided for two weeks, unless the practitioner has approved their use. Whatever you’re taking, let your practitioner know.
Weight gain
It’s vital that you take charge of your weight and diet before the surgery, for obvious reasons: the practitioner has drawn up a plan of action based on what you looked like during the consultation, and any gain in weight can not only affect the results, but can increase any risks during surgery. If you have gained more than five pounds since the consultation, the procedure may have to be cancelled.
Health changes
It’s vitally important that you arrive at the surgery in peak condition. If you experience a cold or an infection during the two-week period before the procedure, you must contact the surgery and convey the details. Furthermore, you’re advised to keep out of the sun beforehand – any evidence of sunburn will result in a cancellation. And it goes without saying that smokers are advised to stop smoking well in advance of surgery.
For more information on pre-op advice for specific procedures, please contact us.